Not only because I said so, but because they are: loaded with nutrients, easy to make, absolutely delicious and cheap, cheap, cheap! (I'm all about cheap) Besides, you probably already have everything you need to make the sprouts in your house. If you don't have any dried lentils go to the store and get a bag. Yes, they are in the dried bean section. Go ahead. I'll wait.
You're back! Great! Now, we're going to call this: "Lentil Sprouts 101" or "Sprouting For Idiots". Personally, I like the latter and you can learn from the Master Idiot. Don't be afraid. Just dive into that bag of little legumes. But first, let me tell you why you should sprout rather than just cook the lentils. Sprouting actually ups the nutritional value and makes them so much better for you. They become a wealth of amino acids, B vitamins and a bunch of other stuff too numerous to mention. (or stuff that I can't remember) Don't expect me to explain how sprouting changes the make up of the lentil, because (quite frankly) I'm not intelligent enough to explain it and I would just have to plagiarize someone else's writing and I am not about plagiarism. So, you'll just have to trust me on this one.
You will need: a quart canning jar (I prefer large mouth), a ring to fit the jar, 1/2 cup lentils and some clean fabric large enough to cover the jar top and thin enough to be able to screw the ring onto the jar. Some use cheesecloth, but I use panty hose. Water has to be able to pass through the cloth and it is important that air can circulate during the sprouting process. NEVER,NEVER, NEVER use any peas, beans or legumes that have been packaged for planting, because they may have been coated with an agent to make them germinate. I should mention that kidney bean sprouts, tomato seed sprouts and potato sprouts are all POISONOUS! In other words: don't sprout 'em and don't eat 'em.
Measure out 1/2 cup of lentils and sort through carefully, removing any that are broken or chipped, as they will not sprout. Instead, they will rot, compromising the quality of your finished product. Let's face it...nobody wants to eat rot!
Dump the lentils into the jar, put the cloth over the top and secure with the jar ring or rubber band. WOW! What a relief! The hard part is OVER!
Run some cool water right through the cloth onto the lentils to wash them, drain and repeat about three times. The only thing better than having clean lentils is having clean hands...I always say. Now, run warm water (never hot) into the jar. Pretty much filling the jar just so you know you have ample water for the lentils to soak up. Let those tiny discs sit there and soak for 8-10 hours.
Drain off the "soaking" water and rinse with cool water a couple of times. Drain off the rinse water and find a nice dark spot to keep the jar or jars. I keep mine in a spare bedroom, which doesn't get much light and I cover them with a dark bath towel. Make sure that the jar is
tipped at an angle to allow excess water to drain. A dish drainer provides a handy "jar-propping" place. I set mine on a tray to catch any water that may drain out. Let the sprouting begin!
Just rinse with cool water and drain, every morning and evening. Be gentle as to not break off any of the tender shoots. On the third day you should have sprouts that are about 3/4 inch long. PERFECTO! (that's Spanish for perfect) Add cool water to the jar and let the sprouts get all charged up with a good drink. Let them soak for a couple of minutes before draining in a strainer. Put a paper towel in the bottom of whatever container you'll be storing your delectable little goodies in. Dump the well drained sprouts on top of the paper towel and store in the refrigerator. They easily keep for a week, but after three days you should rinse and place on a fresh paper towel.
Just look at what a half cup of lentils will produce! Check out the fancy crystal bowl, because that's how we roll here at the Half-Assed Acres Ranch! Now, make yourself a big ol' salad and scatter a bunch of these little goodies over the top. It'll make your tongue slap the roof of your mouth and beg for more!
If you're going to use them in soup or stew, add them during the last 5 minutes of cooking time, cause you don't want to cook them to death. I don't recommend just cooking them in water and draining the water off, because you're going to dump some of the nutrients down the drain.
I'll bet (with a little imagination) you could blend up some sprouts in your food processor, mix with some plain yogurt or soft cream cheese, throw in a few spices and have a tasty dip or sandwich/wrap spread. I haven't tried that yet, but when I do I'll let you know.
Feel free to post any comments or questions, as long as you don't criticize, because I don't handle criticism well and I hold a grudge forever!
"Faaaaaarrrm livin' is the life for me."
One day, as I was passing my house, I looked over and there he was going down through the front pasture on our 46 year old tractor. Immediately, I was struck with the image of Mr. Douglas. Even though Oliver's tractor was always referred to as a Hoyt-Clagwell, it actually was (just like ours) a Ford! When I found that out, it gave me CHILLS! (not really...I'm just being dramatic) Now, besides the tractor, The Horseman and Oliver Douglas both have the silver tresses goin' on and my husband has actually been to New York city! It is true that you're not likely to see him bush-hog in a three piece suit and "lawyer " is a term that you will never see on his resume, but (is it just me) or are the similarities uncanny? In fact, I'm quite sure that he would be likely to utter the words, "You can keep Manhattan. Just give me that country-side."
I'm a far stretch from Lisa Douglas and I'm sure my Mr. Douglas is glad of that. (although I suppose he'd be pretty happy if I looked like her) There is one common thread I share with Lisa in that I, too, get allergic smelling hay! Truth be known, I am probably more likely to be compared with (farmhand) Eb Dawson than Lisa.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go outside, climb the telephone pole and make a call.
I just have to give a big ol' shout-out to a couple of local writers. First is poet Jonathan Bolick, whose book, "Diamonds From Coal" I purchased last month. Loved it! I will order his latest soon. To read some of Jonathan's work go to: . I found out about Jonathan from my friend Gina. It's kind of funny how I recently told Gina that I like to write poetry, but I don't like reading poetry, (yes I am an oddball) but I sure enjoyed Jonathan's work.Last, but not least, is Carolyn Steele Agosta. I work with Carolyn's sister Jacki, who directed me to her website: . When you go to Carolyn's site click on , "Links to published stories" which is on the left. That will bring up many great short stories, but the one I want you to read first is, "Another Weekend With Suzie".
I wouldn't recommend them if I didn't think they were, check 'em out!
Well, here I sit (grinnin' like a possum) at my new, kick-ass computer! Which, by the way, happens to have 160 gigs of hard drive, 2 gigs ram, a CD burner and a four-fifty-four with a four-on-the-floor! The Computer Guru really out did himself and got back in my good graces. (looks like his name may reappear in my will) I could hardly wait to get home from work to hook this baby up. The laws of nature and my own bad karma prohibit me from ever having things go as planned. So, I had to make a trip to Wal-Mart to buy a new mouse, but that's ok I'm still grinnin'.
I'm so pleased with myself, because I started two different batches of sprouts yesterday. (green pea and soy) Those are new to me. The only thing I've done before were lentil sprouts. Now there's some fine eatin'. Sprouts are really good for you and here's the best part.....they're super cheap to make!
Speaking of cheap, (by the way "Cheap" is my middle name) I went to the grocery store yesterday with some coupons and hit pay dirt. Sugar was on sale for 99 cents, had a 30 cent coupon which was doubled. HOLY CRAP....four pounds of sugar for 39 cents! Oops...I peed myself a little. When I came to the French's mustard and realized that I could get a 14 oz. bottle for 20 cents, I could barely conceal my excitement! Then came the best part...they actually had to pay ME to take a 12 oz. bottle of French's spicy brown off their hands! YIPPIE-FRICKIN'-I-O! I was lovin' life!
In case you didn't notice, I'm in a much better mood than I was when I put up my last post and you may be wondering if I had to tell anyone to go to Hell. I did not, but there were a few close calls. The mental illness is on the back burner for now, but it's still simmering.
Have you ever been mad at the world and not quite sure why? That's where I am right now, but in a way I know why. In a nutshell....taxes and people who don't understand how income tax works. Anyway, that's what got the ball rolling and at the moment I can think of several people who have irritated me in the past few weeks, who I would just like to tell to go to Hell! Hopefully, that won't happen at work tomorrow, but there's always that possibility. Actually, there are some, who haven't even pissed me off yet, but I picture them doing just that and I picture myself....telling them to go to Hell. Oh, yes! I can feel the mental illness welling up in my throat! There should be a good place to go when I'm in a bad place. (a bad place being the dark corners of my own mind) How about the doctors office, because my right knee is swelled up like a balloon? No. I guess not, because he would tell me to stay off from it for a few days. Bullshit! Does he have any clue how my life is? On the "up" side....The Computer Guru has everything ordered for my new, kick-ass computer and I'm sooooo happy about that! I'm pretty sure that's the only saving grace that is keeping me from actually telling several people to go to Hell!