Wednesday, April 1, 2009

In A Bad Place

Have you ever been mad at the world and not quite sure why? That's where I am right now, but in a way I know why. In a nutshell....taxes and people who don't understand how income tax works. Anyway, that's what got the ball rolling and at the moment I can think of several people who have irritated me in the past few weeks, who I would just like to tell to go to Hell! Hopefully, that won't happen at work tomorrow, but there's always that possibility. Actually, there are some, who haven't even pissed me off yet, but I picture them doing just that and I picture myself....telling them to go to Hell. Oh, yes! I can feel the mental illness welling up in my throat!

There should be a good place to go when I'm in a bad place. (a bad place being the dark corners of my own mind) How about the doctors office, because my right knee is swelled up like a balloon? No. I guess not, because he would tell me to stay off from it for a few days. Bullshit! Does he have any clue how my life is?

On the "up" side....The Computer Guru has everything ordered for my new, kick-ass computer and I'm sooooo happy about that! I'm pretty sure that's the only saving grace that is keeping me from actually telling several people to go to Hell!


  1. Why does "Computer Guru" get a nickname and I don't? Oh wait, I don't want to know what kind of nickname you might come up with for me...

  2. Don't tell me that you've forgotten your self-imposed nickname, Favorite Child!

    Don't piss me off! I might have to tell you where to go!

