Six 0'clock came and I rolled out of bed to turn on the news. There it was at the bottom of the screen, no school for students or staff, but that's still a gray area for us "Central Office" employees. We're normally expected to work even when teachers and other school personal have the day off due to inclement weather. At this point I'm not sure whether I should get ready for work or blow it off and build a snowman, which is what I really want to do.
When it got to be 7:00 and there was no recorded call from our superintendent, I was thinking I should just get ready for work, but the idea of a snowman in my front yard beckoned. What a dilemma. Work. Snowman. Work. Snowman. Then I had the bright idea of checking the phone for messages just in case T.H. had turned off the phone when I fell asleep on the couch last night. BINGO! There were two messages. First was one from Dr. M. in which he said that the central office would be closed today. Second message was sweet friend Renee telling me to stay home. Renee has somehow inherited the job of looking out for me and I'd like to know what she did to deserve that job. (must have been something pretty awful)
Snowman, here I come! After gathering up proper snowman attire, partially consisting of a red cowboy hat, red bandanna, red mittens and large blue buttons for eyes, (Who can resist a blue-eyed cowboy?) I headed to the barn to feed horses. On the way back to the house I reached my glove-clad hands down and scooped up some of that wonderful snowman material. WOE IS ME!!! Major disappointment! Too cold to pack! For a moment I contemplated doing what I used to do as a child, which was throwing myself to the ground in a temper tantrum, kicking and screaming. I somehow managed to squelch that urge.
At the moment I'm sitting here at the computer, behaving like an adult, anxiously waiting for the sun to warm the snow enough to become snowman friendly. However, if that does not happen, I can only hope that my neighbors are not watching when the temper tantrum occurs.
Please post photos of your snowman. Although that tantrum would have been hilarious. And now I know where I went cowboy had green eyes.
ReplyDeleteSome things aren't jobs at all, it's just what you do when you love someone :)
ReplyDeleteLove You My Friend!
Damn southern weather! they close school and there isn't even enough snow to make a snowman!