Thursday, February 12, 2009

Maybe Not A Poet

As you may have gathered by the web name on my blog I fancy myself a poet. The truth is I like to write poetry, but that does not a poet make. I've decided to share one of the poems that I wrote. This particular one was written for someone who was very special to me. Her name was Gail and we were the closest of friends. So close in fact, that I would often tell people that she knew me better than I knew myself.

Gail died of a heart attack while mowing her lawn on October 5, 2001. I'm quite sure that she was pushing that mower about 110 mph, which is exactly the speed that she went about everything in life. The poem was published in the local paper on the anniversary of her birthday following her death.

Gail Caloway

July 19, 1944 - October 5, 2001

Teardrops fell from mourners eyes

While sunshine poured through cloudless skies

A stark contrast to the sadness we were all feeling

On that October day

Denial of reality crowded my mind

I was certain from this nightmare I would wake to find

You were only a phone call away

But it does me no good now to reach for the phone

When longing for your voice while I'm all alone

And I'm left with so many things I'd like to say

I prefer writing humorous poems, because poems like this take a lot out of me. I guess it may have something to do with putting too much of myself out there and it's easier to hide behind humor rather than showing what's in my heart.


  1. I miss Gail. And I think you're a great poet.

  2. I liked the Jeff Gordon one you wrote for Bill and Dan. My friend read it and had to make a copy for her son. I also think Daddy I'm a Boy was one of the BEST.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. East Side'
    Thank you for remembering those. "Daddy I'm A Boy" was speed writing. Angie asked me to write something and I had to have it done by the end of the work day. It made her husband cry.

  5. Thanks, CarrieAnn. You wouldn't be just a little bias in your opinion would you?

    I miss Gail so much. She actually grieved herself to death.
