Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ringtones And Memories

If I happen to call Brandon (my son) when he is in a public place, he quickly answers with a loud, "Hi, Mom!" Why quick and loud? He wants complete strangers to know that "She Drives Me Crazy" (Fine Young Cannibals) is his mother's ringtone and NOT his favorite song. How I happened to earn that as my ringtone is not what you may think. Actually that song reminds Brandon and I of each other. About sixteen years ago, on the way to Michigan, that song came on the radio. We cranked it up and sang at the top of our lungs! It's just a good memory of a good time. (the ringtone he has for his sister is "Stupid Girl".....she is not)

Funny how music has the ability to transport us to a different place and time. Submerging us in emotions from our past.

A few years after I graduated, the person who I "went steady" with (do kids still do that...sounds silly now) most of the way through high school told me that every time he heard "Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress" he would think of me. He said it was because of us being at some dance where I wore a black dress. At 5' 3" I was anything, but long. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only thing "long" about me was that I was a long way from being cool. However, I owned that black dress!

On the rare occasion that I hear, "Beautiful Sunday", I'm thirteen years old, riding in a station wagon full of other teens. Cathy's dad (Ray) is at the wheel. All of us (including Ray) are belting out that song. We're on our way to shop for dresses to wear to the Homecoming dance. What a beautiful sunny day it is, but it's NOT a Sunday. If it were Sunday we wouldn't be skipping school.

Let me know what times and places you are taken to by those time machines with melodies.


  1. Ahhhh...Brandon and his ringtones....

    People do not go steady anymore.

    Here are mine: anything Dixie Chicks reminds me of the days that Jen and I used to go on road trips in high school/college. Any 80s music makes me think of you and I rockin' out to it years ago in your kitchen. And I can't hear anything by the Counting Crows without thinking of that certain ex-boyfriend of mine that I won't name because you were right about him. (Even though I am not a stupid girl. No matter what Brandon says!)

  2. I remember the night we rocked to the 80s. When they announced on the radio that it was 80s night, we both agreed that we hated 80s music and that it SUCKED. Almost every song that played we would agree that we LOVED that song (we knew the words,too)

  3. Wooly Bully, The girls and I that lived in the house next to the beauty school in Traverse City all jumped into Martha's soon to be hubby's car. We headed out to Sutton's Bay to the little one bedroom trailer on the Bay they had bought to clean up the yard and the beach. Wooly Bully a new song was being played on the radio on our ride out and also played while we had pizza there that night and toasted Martha's new home with a bottle of wine. Those were the days.

  4. Hey, Reagan has a ring tone just for you Cindy!

  5. People "Date" now - if you say "going together" you are showing your true age.

    Delta Dawn - riding the city bus with my mom in the 70's. I would hum it for hours - poor mom.

    Dirty Work by Steely Dan - the dating years with my hubby.

    To Canaan's Land I'm on My Way (hymn) - church as a child.
